Greetings from Joutsa gaming space!

Community and Equal facilities for Hobbies

The opening of the new gaming space connected to the youth café was celebrated on Länsitie in Joutsa on Thursday, February 13th. The event attracted a large number of local residents of all ages, gaming enthusiasts, and experts from the gaming and esports industries.

The establishment of the gaming space was a joint project between the municipality of Joutsa and the local sports club, Flanels ry. The municipality’s youth council was also involved in decision-making from the planning phase. In addition, the expert network of the Center of Expertise in Esports in Central Finland contributed to building the technical infrastructure and installing the gaming center systems.

The opening event attracted a large number of interested locals. The event was officially opened by Kari Kosunen (pictured on the right), Head of the Municipality’s Leisure Department.

New Opportunities for All Youth

The new gaming space is a significant addition to Joutsa’s youth services and the development of the local gaming community. Equipped with modern gaming hardware, the space offers opportunities not only for active gamers but also for those who don’t have access to their own equipment at home. The goal is to engage children and young people who are not yet part of organized club activities.

Joutsa-born esports enthusiast Otto Takala highlighted the social value of the new gaming space in his opening speech. According to Takala, a similar space would have been highly beneficial during his own youth, providing more diverse opportunities for young people interested in both sports and digital gaming. He is pleased to see that the municipality of Joutsa is now actively supporting electronic sports as part of local club activities.

A demonstration of Counter-Strike skills by professional player Joonas “doto” Forss

Former professional player and current esports coach Joonas “doto” Forss emphasized the community-building role of gaming spaces and the importance of a safe environment for hobby activities. One of the key goals of the gaming space is to encourage local young adults to lead gaming clubs. This will help ensure not only a reliable environment for young people but also the continuity of guided activities.

The youth using the space will be actively involved in its future development. The operational models and shared rules for the space will be created collaboratively with both users and instructors. A naming and logo competition for the gaming space is also in the works, aiming to increase the space’s visibility and strengthen the sense of community among local youth.

A Springboard for Future Talent

The gaming space offers young people not only hobby opportunities but also pathways to future education and careers. The growth of digital gaming and the gaming industry can open new doors both locally and beyond.

Tuomas Rauhansalo, Project Manager of the Center of Expertise in Esports in Central Finland, who also attended the event, believes that Joutsa could one day produce top talents in the gaming industry.

“In the coming years, it would be great to see Joutsa produce not only top cross-country skiers but also top-level gamers.”

-Tuomas Rauhansalo

The new gaming space opens doors for Joutsa’s youth to explore the world of digital gaming—bringing young people together, fostering a sense of community, and creating equal opportunities for all.

Local esports talents had the opportunity to test their skills against Doto in a Counter-Strike game challenge.

Joutsa Youth Café, Länsitie 5

Article photos: Tuomas Rauhansalo, Elmo Hämäläinen

KSEOK, Keski-Suomen e-urheilun osaamiskeskittymä
Joutsan kunnan logo.
Urheiluseura Flanelsin logo.


Greetings from Joutsa gaming space!

The opening of the new gaming space, located next to the youth café, was celebrated in Joutsa on Thursday, February 13. The new gaming space is a significant addition to the development of youth services and the gaming community in Joutsa.

Grand opening of Joutsa gaming space

The youth center’s new gaming space opens its doors to all residents, offering a unique opportunity to explore the emerging esports and gaming activities in Joutsa.