Center of Expertise in Esports in Central Finland
The Center of Expertise in Esports in Central Finland gathers companies, research institutions and educational organizations interested in and operating within the field. The purpose is to collaboratively develop business and expertise related to the gaming and esports industry.

Grand opening of Joutsa gaming hub
Welcome to the opening ceremony of the new gaming facility by the municipality of Joutsa and the Flanels ry! The event is free of charge.
Latest news and events

Grand opening of Joutsa gaming hub
The youth center’s new gaming hub opens its doors to all residents, offering a unique opportunity to explore the emerging esports and gaming activities in Joutsa.

Toxicity in competitive gaming and role of organized esports
“Playing games competitively can often be quite an intense affair and players’ emotions can run hot.” Read more about toxicity in competitive gaming from this blog post!

CoEsports’ year 2024 in a nutshell
Read the second annual review of Center of Expertise in Esports in Central Finland!

Breathing coach Milja Markkanen aims to introduce the benefits of the OxyGoal® method into competitive gaming and esports.