CoEsports wraps up year 2023!

“During the year 2023 we have participated in 12 events around Finland, got 18 new business partners and prepared 7 research openings and new services.”

As the new year is approaching, we have gathered highlights of the past year for the Center of Expertise in Esports in Central Finland before a short break for holidays.

🤝🏻 Jamk University of Applied Sciences has paved the way for the CoE by reaching out to the event and business field of the esports industry. The first year of the project has included numerous fairs, seminars, networking events and encounters. Local businesses have joined the network of professionals and started to develop the new business opportunities cooperatively. A new esports event concept called Institutional Showdown, was also piloted in collaboration with ENCE Esports. The tournament was produced and streamed live from Jamk Main Campus, where students became part of esports event production.

🔎 The University of Jyväskylä has started compiling a esports research by reviewing Finnish theses and foreign publications related to the field. A handbook on electronic sports is also in progress, with the material collected serving the development work of small and medium-sized enterprises in the industry. In September, the university hosted a two-day “Understanding local esports cultures and ecosystems” esports seminar, bringing together international experts from around the world. Significant openings and seminars in esports research are also expected in 2024.

🎯 The Finnish Institute of High Performance Sport KIHU has been modeling a testing and expert concept suitable for esports. For the modeling, the current state of electronic sports has been mapped through player surveys and professional interviews. Valuable information has been collected through contacts, providing insight into competitive gaming, electronic sports and its characteristics. This information will be further applied as coaching and expert models used in traditional sports are introduced into electronic sports. There are also plans for a laboratory space suitable for player testing.

📖 Gradia has prepared and published a new local vocational unit, which can be completed as part of vocational studies regardless of the field of study. The scope of the study module is 15 credits. “Operating in Electronic Sports” module allows the students to develop their comprehensive esports skills in both playing and event organization. In spring 2024, the GradiaCup24 tournament will be held and its planning and implementation are also a part of the studies. The vocational unit will serve especially the local SMEs, deepening the collaboration between educational institutions and businesses.


Kasa kirjoja, joiden päällä on suurennuslasi. Kuva on mustavalkoinen.

Literature review: Esports

Researchers Kalle Pasanen and Matti Leppäniemi from the University of Jyväskylä conducted a systematic literature review on esports viewership.

Yrittäjä Jan Talso seisoo rallisimulaattorin luona, katsoen kameraan. Hänellä on päällään yrityksen logolla varustettu lippalakki ja huppari.


JTM Race Room offers the thrill of speed to its customers with electronic rally simulators. Entrepreneur Jan Talso opened the Race Room premises in Kirri, Jyväskylä in 2022.