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Vaaleanpunaisia post-it -muistilappuja liimattuna oranssille ilmoitustaululle. Lapuissa on ideoita e-urheiluun liittyvistä konsepteista.

Ideas for e-football from the InnoFlash course

The InnoFlash week gathered Jamk students for an esports-themed assignment. Eight teams prepared a total of 24 concepts aimed at engaging new interested members to join football clubs through e-football.

Greetings from Joutsa gaming space!

The opening of the new gaming space, located next to the youth café, was celebrated in Joutsa on Thursday, February 13. The new gaming space is a significant addition to the development of youth services and the gaming community in Joutsa.

Hengitysvalmentaja Milja Markkanen ohjaamassa urheilijoita liikuntasalissa.


Breathing coach Milja Markkanen aims to introduce the benefits of the OxyGoal® method into competitive gaming and esports.

Jamkin Betonin kolme miespuolista pelaajaa istumassa tietokoneilla pelaamassa Counter-strikeä.

Greetings from Peliviikko!

During the Game Week, several events took place in Jyväskylä – CoEsports network was also involved in various gaming and esports actions.