Esport Nexus Jyväskylä 6.–7.11.2024

Esport Nexus Jyväskylä -tapahtuman logo.

The CoEsports network and CoE GameCult are organizing a two-day, multidisciplinary event that brings together professionals from both the academic and commercial fields of esports. You can find the enrollment link from the bottom of this article.

The event program IS now published!

The program of the event offers engaging keynotes and presentations from developers and researchers at the forefront of the esports industry. Check the finalized program from this link!

Participants will also have the opportunity to observe a CS2 tournament as the ENCE Institutional Showdown takes place at the main campus of Jamk University of Applied Sciences on Wednesday.

Highlights, Wednesday, November 6th:

A Public Overview of the Esports Industry: Esports Audiences and Business
ENCE Institutional Showdown: Watch party

Highlights, Thursday, November 7th:

Research and Development in Esports: Current Updates from the Field


You can register for the free event through this link.



Kasa kirjoja, joiden päällä on suurennuslasi. Kuva on mustavalkoinen.

Literature review: Esports

Researchers Kalle Pasanen and Matti Leppäniemi from the University of Jyväskylä conducted a systematic literature review on esports viewership.

Yrittäjä Jan Talso seisoo rallisimulaattorin luona, katsoen kameraan. Hänellä on päällään yrityksen logolla varustettu lippalakki ja huppari.


JTM Race Room offers the thrill of speed to its customers with electronic rally simulators. Entrepreneur Jan Talso opened the Race Room premises in Kirri, Jyväskylä in 2022.