Linda Rahko työskentelemässä e-urheilutapahtumassa ENCEn pelaajien kanssa.
© Jussi Jääskeläinen / ENCE Esports

Linda Rahko’s career at ENCE began with her internship in January 2023 as part of her BBA studies at Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences. Interested in digital marketing and short video production, Linda headed from Jyväskylä to Helsinki with an open mind, aiming to make the most out of her internship and learn more about the field of esports, which was still relatively unknown to her.  Also, the southern location of the internship wasn’t a big deal, because Jamk wants to contribute their student’s ability to get employed also across the borders of Central Finland.

A lot happened in the past year, as Linda’s role in short video production as part of ENCE content team continued also after the internship period. Even though reaching a balance between the final studies, writing her thesis, and working was sometimes tricky, the first six months of the internship inspired Linda toward the esports industry. In the end, the decision to continue her career at ENCE in a modern working environment was clear.

“Working with ENCE is very diverse and this isn’t the most usual office job of all. There’s lots of different tasks and my workdays are never boring. We also have a great community and people are very friendly and open-minded here too.”

The job itself has broken many stereotypes about the industry and showed to her that there’s a big variety of different professionals working on the field of esports. For example, Linda’s dedicated role as a short video producer affected positively in ENCE’s social media statistics. Talking about the demands, Linda identified internal motivation, a genuine interest in the field, and the desire to challenge herself in various aspects of her job as the most crucial factors in the early stages of her career.

Esports industry is usually quite rapid with changes. In Linda’s point of view, she sees the reactive daily routine not as a challenge but rather as something inspiring. Also, her communication skills have also improved over time, as English is the primary working language at ENCE. While working in English may be intimidating for many, Linda encourages students to challenge themselves and work bilingually.

Linda’s first year in the world of esports peaked in November 2023 after the BBA graduation, when she transitioned from the content production team to a new role as the Team Manager for ENCE. With this responsible role, her communication skills will undoubtedly prove beneficial, as she oversees the daily operations of the Counter-Strike team during practice seasons and tournament travels around the world.

We eagerly and proudly look forward to following Linda’s career development in esports as a Jamk Alumna. 

Article photo: © Jussi Jääskeläinen / ENCE Esports


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