EXEN Esportsin pelitila, jossa on useita PC-pelipisteitä sekä violetit, led-valaistut seinät.

EXEN Esports is an esports organization based in Jyväskylä, founded in 2020. From the beginning, the organization has invested on the idea of a player-focused environment that provides a safe and professional pathway for esports players to develop from hobby level to professional careers.

Over the years, the representative teams of EXEN have competed in various esports leagues (including Counter-Strike, Valorant, Rocket League and NHL) and have achieved national championship-level rankings in domestic leagues. In addition to team activities, EXEN maintains and rents high-quality gaming facilities in Seppälänkangas, Jyväskylä, and offers a variety of gaming experiences from events to club activities and coaching.

Fair esports from Jyväskylä

The CEO of the organization, Patrik “FallA” Falck, is a long-standing esports enthusiast, whose face has become familiar to many through his Fortnite game streams. Falck’s extensive, personal experience in the competitive gaming field and streaming was also a natural pathway to game coaching — he has worked as a game coach in the eLämää project at Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences and has been involved in esports-related activities for youth even before founding EXEN Esports.

EXEN Esportsin toimitusjohtaja Patrik Falck katsoo istuma-asennossa kameraan yrityksen pelitiloissa.
CEO Patrik Falck showcasing the EXEN gaming facilities at Seppälänkangas.

According to Falck, an increasing number of young people are pursuing gaming as an ambitious hobby, and younger players are aiming for professional careers more than ever before. Just a few years ago, the situation for goal-oriented, competitive gaming in the Central Finland region was more complicated — Falck notes that personal player development and success in esports required independent effort and an active group of friends with whom to practice.

The organization aims to offer individual opportunities also to those players who have not had their own gaming group or community where they could develop competitive gaming skills in a goal-oriented manner. Player paths starting from the junior level take inspiration from “traditional” sports and provide step-by-step advancement opportunities towards professionalism, both at the individual and team levels.

Currently, EXEN hosts weekly, supervised gaming clubs for children and youths of various ages. Beyond club-level recreational activities, the organization offers a springboard towards a professional gaming career through the EXEN Academy. The purpose of the academy teams is to incorporate organizational support into competitive game coaching while also considering factors related to overall well-being and performance. The organization believes in a coaching philosophy where local live coaching implementation is seen to add value to team bonding, the player community, and in-game development.

Aiming to be tHE bEST gaming facility in Finland

The first HQ of EXEN Esports saw the light of day in 2023 when a bootcamp and training lounge for ten players was opened on Pajatie in Jyväskylä. With growth and the aim for service development, the organization decided to expand their premises — New, larger gaming facilities were opened at the active business center area of Seppälänkangas at the beginning of the year 2024.

As before, the premises offer a high-quality PC gaming area, lounge and kitchen space, a console corner, ping pong, and darts. The new location also allows for the provision of accommodation services and sauna facilities in conjunction with gaming space rentals, making EXEN’s service palette to be exceptionally diverse. The facilities can be rented for private use, as well as tailored for businesses or organizations, considering the customer’s needs and wishes.

Kuva makuutiloista EXEN Esportsin toimistolla. Tilassa on puurakenteisia kerrossänkyjä ja rauhallinen tunnelma.
The bunk beds accommodate up to 12 gamers. Photo: Exen Esports.

EXEN also collaborates actively with local businesses and service providers. The renovated premises in a bustling commercial area also accelerate the creation of new business and collaboration opportunities. In addition to renting out their gaming facilities, EXEN also carries out media and event productions — Over the years, the specialists of the organization have deployed to festivals and shopping centers to produce gaming-related events and social media content. Although the company’s media production currently focuses on gaming and esports themes, it also offers “turnkey” photography and video production services, which are available to private consumers as well.

Growth from collaboration

According to entrepreneur Patrik Falck, the organization’s participation in the CoEsports network, has leveled up the networking with local actors and educational institutions, as EXEN has the desire to grow and there is a lots of professionals from various fields on the region of the Central Finland. Visioning through interdisciplinary cooperation has already borne fruit: New services and products designed to serve both the company and its partners have been planned within the newly renovated premises.

EXEN also collaborates closely with Pappaliiga, which is also a member of the CoEsports network. Pappaliiga is a non-profit association aimed at players over 30 years old. Through the association, league activities in esports are organized at different skill levels, and its nearly 3,000 members make it one of the most significant domestic esports entities. The cooperation between EXEN and Pappaliiga enables, for example, the association’s concrete gaming activities in the Central Finland region.

”Why do it alone when you can do it together? Networking is everything.”

-Patrik Falck

Regarding the cooperation with educational institutions, Falck notes that individuals interested in esports are always encouraged to participate in the organization’s activities. Whether through internships or other project-based work, the assistance of students’ has been a significant part of the EXEN’s daily operations. Thesis projects have also advanced the company’s brand, and motivated students have found employment in the industry through EXEN’s club activities or event representations.

Falck encourages local entrepreneurs to get involved in the esports scene: “Especially low-threshold club activities are a great place to start exploring the growing field while simultaneously supporting rising future stars – investment is needed at the grassroots level just as much in traditional sports as in esports.”

Explore EXEN Esports’ services at!


Kasa kirjoja, joiden päällä on suurennuslasi. Kuva on mustavalkoinen.

Literature review: Esports

Researchers Kalle Pasanen and Matti Leppäniemi from the University of Jyväskylä conducted a systematic literature review on esports viewership.

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